Working Paper No 51. The Dissipation of Political Capital among Afghanistan's Hazaras: 2001-2009.


This paper examines the historical background and political processes behind the formation of Hizb-e Wahdat-e Islami Afghanistan (The Islamic Unity Party of Afghanistan). It lays out the evolving political agendas and strategies of the party during the years of civil war, Taliban rule and the post-2001 political process. The author concludes that by 2009 the party was so fragmented and divided that the political weight it carried in Afghanistan bore little resemblance to what it had first enjoyed.


Working Paper No. 51 (series 2), London, UK; Crisis States Research Centre, 23 pp.

Working Paper No 51. The Dissipation of Political Capital among Afghanistan’s Hazaras: 2001-2009.

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Published 1 January 2009