Yield Gaps and Resource use across farming zones in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia
This study analyses a large amount of data from farmers’ fields across the CRV from 2004–2009
In the Central Rift Valley (CRV), low productive cereal systems and a declining resource base call for options to increase crop productivity and improve resource use efficiency to meet the growing demand of food.
The authors compiled and analysed a large amount of data from farmers’ fields and experimental data across the CRV from 2004–2009 to quantify yield gaps between actual (average and best performing farmers) and experimental (water-limited potential) yields of maize and wheat in homogenous farming zones.
This is an output from the ‘Integrated assessment of the determinants of the maize yield gap in Sub-Saharan Africa: towards farm innovation and enabling policies’ project led by the University of Wageningen
Getnet, M., Van Ittersum, M., Hengsdijk, H., & Descheemaeker, K. (2016). Yield Gaps and Resource use accross farming zones in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia Experimental Agriculture, 52(4), 493-517. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/S0014479715000216
Yield Gaps and Resource use across farming zones in the Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia