Young Lives Working Paper 91. Teaching Quality Counts: How Student Outcomes Relate to Quality of Teaching in Private and Public Schools in India


This mixed-methods paper investigates whether the ‘private school premium’, as manifested in student learning outcomes, is the result of better-quality teaching in private schools. Using school-, community- and household-level data from the Young Lives longitudinal study in the state of Andhra Pradesh in India, this paper makes a detailed comparison of 227 government and private schools attended by the children in the sample.


Singh, R.; Sudipa Sarkar. Young Lives Working Paper 91. Teaching Quality Counts: How Student Outcomes Relate to Quality of Teaching in Private and Public Schools in India. Young Lives, Department of International Development at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK (2012) 58 pp. ISBN 978-1-909403-03-1

Young Lives Working Paper 91. Teaching Quality Counts: How Student Outcomes Relate to Quality of Teaching in Private and Public Schools in India

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Published 1 January 2012