Running payroll
Reporting to HMRC: FPS
Use your payroll software to send a Full Payment Submission (FPS) to tell HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) about payments to your employees and what deductions to their pay you’ve made.
Include everyone you pay, even if they get less than £123 a week.
When to send your FPS
Send the FPS on or before your employees’ payday, even if you pay HMRC quarterly instead of monthly.
You must enter the usual date that you pay your employees, even if you pay them earlier or later. For example, if you pay your employees early because your usual payday falls on a Bank Holiday, you should still enter your regular payday.
Early reporting
You can send an FPS before your regular payday, for example if your payroll staff are going on holiday.
Do not report too early - you’ll need to send a corrected FPS to update HMRC if information changes, for example an employee leaves or changes tax code.
You cannot send reports for the new tax year before March.
Late reporting
There are some expectations when you can send an FPS after payday.
Completing and sending an FPS
You’ll need to enter your PAYE reference and Accounts Office reference in your software. HMRC will have sent this to you after you registered as an employer.
To complete and send the FPS, follow your payroll software’s instructions.
HMRC has guidance on what to put in each field on an FPS, including:
- employer information
- employee information - only include employees you’ve paid
- pay and deductions
- National Insurance information
You can split your FPS into batches if it’s easier for you, for example one for employees and one for directors.
There are special rules for calculating deductions if your employee has more than one job with you.
After you’ve sent your FPS
In the next tax month (which starts on the 6th), you can:
- view how much tax and National Insurance you owe in your HMRC online account from the 10th
- claim any reduction on what you’ll owe HMRC (for example statutory pay) by sending an Employer Payment Summary (EPS) by the 19th
- pay HMRC the balance by the 22nd (or the 19th if paying by post)
If you need to make an extra payment to your employee, you can send an FPS after payday, in addition to the one you’ve already sent. The extra FPS needs to be sent before your next regular report (if your software has this feature).
If you made a mistake in your FPS
If you find any errors in your FPS, send a corrected FPS as soon as possible.
Reporting extra information
You need to report more information on an FPS if:
- it includes a new employee
- an employee leaves
- it’s the last report of tax year
- you start paying someone a workplace pension
HMRC has guidance on what to put in each field on an FPS.
You may also need to report extra information about certain employee changes, for example they take a leave of absence or become a director.
There are special rules if you’re only reporting National Insurance, for example you’re an overseas employer that does not need to pay UK tax.