School admissions
Choosing schools
If you live in England contact your local council to find:
- state-funded schools in your area
- admission criteria for the schools you’re interested in
The process is different if you live in Scotland, in Wales or in Northern Ireland.
You can also contact your local council to apply for places at state schools in other areas. You can search online to find schools in England.
Private schools or home schooling
If you’re looking for a place at a private school (also called ‘independent schools’), contact the school directly.
You can also choose to teach your child at home, known as home schooling.
Children with an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan
If your child has an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan, it may name a school for them. A school named in the EHC plan must give your child a place.
Find out about a primary or secondary school
You can find out more by:
- visiting the school - most schools have open days
- reading the school’s most recent Ofsted reports
- checking school performance tables
- talking to other parents about what they think of the school
What schools must publish on their website
Schools’ websites must include:
- admission arrangements, including how to apply
- details of the curriculum
- behaviour policy
- links to Ofsted reports
- links to performance data
- the school’s latest key stage 2 and 4 attainment and progress measures
- their special educational needs (SEN) information report, which includes information about their policies for children or young people with special educational needs and disabilities
- the amount of money they get for taking underprivileged children (the ‘pupil premium’), what they do with it and the effect it’s had
You can also get advice about choosing state-funded schools from your local council.