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5,296 results

  • We provide support to the Leader of the House of Commons, who is responsible for planning and supervising the government’s legislative programme (including the King’s speech), and managing government business within the House of Commons while also upholding the rights...

  • Licensing bodies and collective management organisations can agree licences with users on behalf of owners and collect any royalties the owners are owed.

  • Working effectively with trade unions; collective bargaining and agreements, informing and consulting, union subs, the check off, political funds, union reps

  • The Government Property Agency (GPA) has closed another two London properties, moving a step closer to its target of £32 million cost savings this year.

  • Employment status (worker, employee, self-employed, director or contractor) affects employment rights and employer responsibilities in the workplace

  • Guidance about working in collaboration with other charities.

  • Collective (group) passports - who they're for, how to apply and how to get a collective passport changed

  • When a business changes owner, employees could be protected under the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) regulations (TUPE) - types of transfers, your rights, contracts, redundancy, where to get help

  • Get endorsement and approval to apply for the Global Talent visa to work in the UK as a leader in arts and culture - architecture, fashion, film, television.

  • A contract is an agreement between employee and employer setting out implied and explicit terms and conditions - written statement of particulars, collective agreements