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Oil, gas and coal

Guidance and regulation

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94 results sorted by Most viewed
  • How the UK's vital industries will continue to be serviced during critical fuel shortages.

  • Regulations and guidance on fees and charging for environmental and other regulatory functions for offshore oil and gas exploration and production, offshore gas unloading and storage and offshore carbon dioxide storage activ…

  • Information on responding to an oil spill including your options, how to get a product approved and how long it will take.

  • List of UK approved oil spill treatment products including the name, nature and type, and what they are approved for

  • How to report marine pollution incidents, the response to an incident and how to get approval to use an oil spill treatment product.

  • Access the Environmental and Emissions Monitoring System database to get data on oil rigs and other offshore installations around the UK.

  • Description of the data set showing underground coal workings whose depth is 30 metres or less from the surface.

  • Description of the data set showing known locations where a coal seam is near the surface.

  • What Petroleum Revenue Tax is, how to work it out and when to submit a return to HMRC.

  • Licences and agreements issued by the Mining Remediation Authority.

  • Environment Agency regulatory position on decommissioning standalone onshore oil and gas wells drilled before 1 October 2013.

  • OPRED provides guidance on the regulatory requirements for decommissioning, this page will be used for updates and notifications to Industry.

  • Information and minutes for OSPAR, REACH and research groups and forums for offshore oil and gas.

  • The recommended environmental management system (EMS) designed to achieve the general objectives of the OSPAR Offshore Strategy.

  • Oil and Gas Environmental statements that have been reviewed

  • Description of the dataset showing the area of the ground that might be affected if subsidence a mine entry occurs.

  • Information about the project to redevelop Thanckes Oil Fuel Depot, how it will affect the local area and who to contact to make an enquiry.

  • Description of the dataset showing extent of coal resources capable of being extracted by surface mining methods.

  • Yearly intervention plans are produced for oil and gas operations based on the OPRED inspection strategy. Enforcement activities for the breach of environmental regulations is based on the OPRED enforcement policy.

  • Description of the data set showing likely extent of probable underground coal workings for which no recorded plans exist.