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Wildlife and habitat conservation

Guidance and regulation

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176 results sorted by Most viewed
  • How local planning authorities can ensure that developers and land managers meet the requirements for biodiversity net gain (BNG). 

  • The prices of statutory biodiversity credits from the date biodiversity net gain (BNG) becomes mandatory.

  • Find out which licence you might need to carry out work that affects wildlife and its habitat, how to apply and when you might need to pay.

  • Get information about biodiversity gain sites and any off-site gains allocated to developments.

  • What you must do to avoid harming bats and when you’ll need a licence.

  • How to sell biodiversity units to developers for biodiversity net gain: explore the market, register a gain site and record allocations.

  • Find out what you need to do to keep wild birds or animals legally and safely, including when you need a licence and how to get one.

  • What you must do to avoid harming badgers and when you’ll need a licence.

  • How to use the calculators to work out a nutrient budget for residential developments in nutrient neutrality catchments.

  • What you must do to avoid harming great crested newts and when you’ll need a licence.

  • As a land owner, occupier or authorised person, use this general licence to kill or take certain wild birds to preserve public health or safety.

  • Information for developers and local planning authorities explaining statutory biodiversity credits, and the process of buying them.

  • How land managers, developers, local planning authorities and responsible bodies can enter into a legal agreement for biodiversity net gain.

  • As a land owner, occupier or authorised person, use this general licence to kill or take certain wild birds to prevent serious damage.

  • How developers can use habitat creation or enhancements to count towards their biodiversity net gain (BNG).

  • Find out what to do and how much it costs to register a biodiversity gain site.

  • Apply to join a district level licensing scheme to develop land that may affect great crested newts and supply any survey data you collect.

  • How land managers can combine biodiversity units and nutrient credits, and sell them alongside other environmental payments.

  • How to assess a planning application when there are great crested newts on or near a proposed development site.

  • How to register to keep captive schedule 4 birds, when to ring them and when to microchip them.