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School admissions

Guidance and regulation

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9 results sorted by Most viewed
  • Statutory guidance that schools must follow when carrying out duties relating to school admissions.

  • Advice for state-funded school admission authorities, independent schools, local authorities and parents.

  • Statutory guidance on how schools should organise and run their pupil admission appeals.

  • Guidance for parents on requesting a delayed school start for children born in the summer.

  • How to object to admission arrangements and how admission authorities can apply for an in-year variation or appeal against a direction to admit a child.

  • Guidance to help admission authorities advise those involved with school admission appeals to understand their roles and responsibilities.

  • Information about academy admissions and the role of the Department for Education (DfE).

  • Guidance for local authorities and school admission authorities on admissions for children born in the summer.

  • Guidance and templates to help free schools write their admission and referral policies.