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Fishing quota and catch limits

Guidance and regulation

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11 results sorted by Most viewed
  • The UKSIA manages UK domestic fishing vessel access to non-UK waters and foreign vessel access to UK waters.

  • Current quota catch limits for the 10 metres and under pool including details on 2 and 3 monthly limits on stocks

  • How you can manage, allocate, swap, transfer or lease fishing quotas.

  • Current quota catch limits for the over 10 metres non-sector pool including details on 3 monthly limits for stocks

  • How to apply for a fisheries dispensation from UK laws to carry out scientific research from a fishing vessel in English waters.

  • The strategy sets out the Marine Management Organisation's overall approach to achieving compliance.

  • Vessels that do not have their quota managed by a Producer Organisation are managed by the Marine Management Organisation via catch limits.

  • The chart represents a long standing agreement between fishermen using pots and creels and those who fish with trawls and scallop dredges.

  • You can apply to lease extra quota from a producer organisation (PO), to supplement your catch limits or to keep fishing a stock where the 10-metres-and-under or non-sector pool allocation has been used.

  • How to calculate the live weight of fish based on landed weight and conversion factors.

  • There is anticipated to be excess quota in the non-sector pools. In order to make the best use of this quota and to ensure opportunities are available to as many vessels as possible the MMO are taking the following action fo…