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Research and statistics

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1,045 results that are Statistics (upcoming), sorted by Release date (soonest)
  • Summary of HM Revenue and Customs' tax receipts, National Insurance contributions (NICs), and expenditure for the UK.

  • A presentational framework for the headline measures of Public Sector Finance Statistics (net borrowing net cash requirement and net debt) is explained in this release. This includes the reasons for changes in net borrowing (deficit) and debt.

  • Data on schools, attainment, qualifications gained, education expenditure, further education and higher education in the UK.…

  • Statistics on gross additional affordable housing supply in England between April 2023 and March 2024. Relevant sections of the Local Authority Housing Statistics (LAHS) will be published alongside this release.

  • Electric vehicle charging statistics on the number of electric vehicle charging devices funded through grant schemes in the UK.

  • The impact of challenges facing the economy and other events on UK businesses.…

  • …These are official statistics in development.

  • Statistics on the estimated revenue generated by education related exports and transnational education (TNE) activity in 2022.

  • Statistics on early years foundation stage profile assessments in England, including on the 7 areas of learning and the 17 early learning goals.…

  • This release presents monthly statistics on poultry, including hatchery output, slaughtering and meat production volumes, for the United Kingdom.

  • …In addition, an Official Statistics Under Development publication covering performance against Ministerial Measures.

  • Statistics on the diversity declaration and representation of minority groups of civilian personnel employed by the MOD.

  • Statistics on looked-after children at national and local authority level for the year ending 31 March 2024.…

  • Summary of norovirus and rotavirus laboratory surveillance and enteric virus outbreaks in England during the 2024 to 2025 season.

  • Trends in cautioning and sentencing of knife and offensive weapon offences.

  • Electric vehicle charging statistics on the number of electric vehicle charging devices funded through grant schemes in the UK.

  • Information on the 2024 multiplication tables check, including breakdowns by pupil characteristics, at national and local authority level.…

  • National influenza and COVID-19 report, monitoring COVID-19 activity, seasonal flu and other seasonal respiratory illnesses.

  • Non-Quota uptake by UK vessels in EU waters October 2024

  • Statistics on the construction industry, including value of output, new orders by sector, number of firms and total employment, insolvencies and construction Output Price Indices.