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Housing, local and community

Research and statistics

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2,729 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • July 2015 monthly statistics for the RHI programme.

  • An annual report which includes information on the number of dwellings, bedsits and bed spaces owned or partly owned by local authorities and registered social landlords.

  • Statistics on the location of new residential addresses in England and the previous land use those addresses were created on.

  • Statistics on the location of new residential addresses and the amount of land changing use in England.

  • Details of planning applications where the Coal Authority recommended prior extraction of coal resources in July 2015

  • Findings from the fourteenth quarterly wave of the DECC Public Attitudes Tracking survey.

  • The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a quarterly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting property from private landlords in Great Britain.

  • Experimental statistics on Energy Performance of Buildings Certificates in England and Wales.

  • A quarterly bulletin containing information on homelessness, the Residential Property Price Index and new dwelling sales and prices

  • Experimental statistics on stock of properties on the 2010 central and local rating lists as at 31 March 2015.

  • This document shares the learning and achievements from the Community Energy Peer Mentoring Fund.

  • Follow up research on the Green Deal assessment experience and what households have done, plan to do and how this has changed over time since having their assessment.

  • DECC commissioned ICF International and GfK NOP to carry out a follow up study of the Green Deal and ECO programme supply chain as part of the Green Deal and ECO evaluation.

  • July 2015 statistics on the Green Deal for the domestic sector, information on ECO brokerage and latest statistics on measures installed under the Energy Company Obligation (ECO).

  • National statistics on social housing lettings in England during 2013 to 2014 by local authorities and private registered providers.

  • Annual report focussing on the energy efficiency of the English housing stock.

  • Annual report focussing on the extent to which the existence of fire and fire safety features vary by household and dwelling type.

  • Annual report focussing on the physical characteristics of the English housing stock.

  • Annual report on households in England, covering themes such as housing needs, housing moves, and vulnerable and disadvantaged groups.

  • An annual report which includes information on the number of Social Housing sales in Wales and their impact on dwelling stock. It covers sales of local authority dwellings and sales of Registered Social Landlord (RSL) dwelli…