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Housing, local and community

Research and statistics

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2,729 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • The latest England net supply of housing statistics produced by Communities and Local Government were released on Thursday 21 October 2010. …

  • Nomination forms for the UK’s new Tentative List of sites for World Heritage status. Following the publication of the list of applications …

  • The latest national statistics on Planning Applications were released under the auspices of the UK Statistics Authority on 30 September 2010…

  • Please note: Following the publication of Social Housing Sales to sitting tenants in England 2009-10 on 21 September 2010, a minor error has…

  • The previous government established the working group on condition information in the home buying and selling process to look at the issues …

  • Main findings of the 2010 Taking Part user survey.

  • Supporting People Client Records data provides information about characteristics of clients entering Supporting People services.

  • A Sanctuary Scheme is a multi-agency victim centred initiative which aims to enable households at risk of violence to remain safely in their…

  • Official statistics on homelessness prevention and relief in England that took place outside the homelessness statutory framework.

  • Statistics showing provisional estimates of 'non-decent' homes in England for 2009 to 2010.

  • A Sanctuary Scheme is a multi-agency victim centred initiative which aims to enable households at risk of violence to remain safely in their…

  • Statistics on the code for sustainable homes and average energy efficiency (SAP ratings) for homes in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.

  • This quick reference leaflet is published quarterly and contains a snapshot of the main housing and planning data. Detailed housing and planning…

  • House building starts and completions statistics by tenure.

  • This paper analyses various measures of involvement in sport and their relationship with a number of demographic and economic factors.

  • Material from the first Taking Part user event, which took place on 19 August 2010.

  • Supporting People client records data provides information about characteristics of clients entering Supporting People services.

  • Research on why borrowers have either given voluntary possession or have sold their home due to financial difficulties.

  • This research brings together evidence from qualitative interviews with borrowers who have either given voluntary possession or have sold their…

  • The Mortgage Rescue Scheme monitoring statistics ‘housing live table’ gives information on the number of households approaching local authorities…