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Research and statistics

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8,143 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • This document (HPA-CRCE-017) is to aid emergency planners when producing specific plans for radiation monitoring units.

  • First report prepared by the Standards Advisory Subgroup (CSAS) of the Committee on the Medical Effects of Air Pollutants (COMEAP).

  • Report of the findings of the ACMD's inquiry on children of problem drug users in the UK.

  • The NHS Future Forum's key recommendations to government on the future for NHS modernisation.

  • Liz Sayce’s independent review of specialist disability employment programmes: 'Getting in, staying in, getting on'.

  • Research to explore motivators and barriers to changing attitudes towards health and work to maintain a healthy workforce.

  • Review of the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood, examining the pressures children are under to grow up too quickly.

  • This report (HPA-CRCE-022) contains the 2009 results from the HPA environmental radioactivity surveillance programme.

  • This report (HPA-CRCE-020) describes the investigation on the trend of an ongoing survey of solar radiation levels at 6 sites in Great Britain.

  • This report (HPA-CRCE-021) assesses the radiological consequences of disposing lamps containing tritium, krypton-85 and thorium.

  • Statistics from the Department of Health on how patients experience care in the NHS in England, updated to include results from the 2010 inpatient survey.

  • Information on abortions carried out in England and Wales in 2010.

  • Proposed changes to end-of-life care in Portsmouth hospital.

  • A study investigating awareness of coeliac disease and the gluten status of ‘gluten-free’ food from catering outlets in Ireland.

  • Ofsted survey report examining the quality of provision and outcomes for children and young people who are in families of service personnel.

  • Statistical release: Smoking at delivery - Quarter 4, 2010/11

  • This is an independent report commissioned and funded by the Policy Research Programme in the Department of Health. The views expressed are not necessarily those of the Department.

  • This document contains the following information: Adult Social Care.

  • COMARE’s 14th report: review of the risk of childhood cancer near UK nuclear power plants from 1969 to 2004.

  • This report (HPA-CRCE-019) presents scientific evidence about the performance range of techniques for reducing high levels of radon in UK homes.