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Housing, local and community

Research and statistics

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2,725 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Data on the progress of the Waking Watch Relief Fund.

  • Official statistics on the number of sales of dwellings under the Right to Buy scheme in England.

  • Download aggregated data behind the UK House Price Index (UK HPI), in CSV format.

  • The Index of Private Housing Rental Prices (IPHRP) is a monthly experimental price index. It tracks the prices paid for renting property from private landlords in the UK.

  • Monthly report showing the data for the average house prices for Scotland, including in CSV format.

  • Monthly report showing the data for the average house prices for Wales, including in CSV format.

  • Monthly report showing the data for the average house prices for England, including in CSV format.

  • Monthly report that shows changes in average house prices for England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, including in CSV format.

  • Statistics on checks (England only), challenges and assessment reviews against the 2017 local rating list at 30 September 2020. This release also includes challenges and assessment reviews against the 2010 local rating list …

  • Statistics on checks (England only), challenges and assessment reviews against the 2017 local rating list at 31 December 2020. This release also includes challenges and assessment reviews against the 2010 local rating list (…

  • Statistics on checks (England only), challenges and assessment reviews against the 2017 local rating list at 31 March 2021. This release also includes challenges and assessment reviews against the 2010 local rating list (Eng…

  • Report on the extent to which people feel safe from fires in their homes.

  • Report on the housing circumstances and characteristics of owner occupiers in England.

  • Report on people’s well-being and perceptions of their neighbourhood.

  • Adaptations required and installed in homes where households include one or more persons with a long term limiting disability.

  • Report on the housing circumstances and characteristics of private renters in England.

  • Official statistics which provide an estimate of the number of leasehold dwellings in England, by tenure, dwelling type and region.

  • Report on the energy efficiency of the English housing stock.

  • Report on the characteristics and circumstances of social renters in England.

  • These statistics present the housing starts on site and housing completions delivered by Homes England between 1 April 2020 and 31 March 2021.