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6,677 results that are All research and statistics, sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Terms of reference for an independent review to consider how options for greenhouse gas removals (GGRs) can assist the UK in meeting its net zero targets out to 2050.

  • Series of fortnightly average wholesale market prices of selected home grown horticultural produce.

  • Average fortnightly wholesale prices of bananas by country of origin.

  • Reports for the amount of EEE placed on the market and WEEE collected in the UK under the WEEE Regulations.

  • The latest update on monitored groundwater levels and whether there are any groundwater alerts or warnings in force.

  • Confirmed cases of wild birds with highly pathogenic avian influenza (bird flu) in Great Britain.

  • The Planning Inspectorate publishes statistics relating to how the organisation is performing, the volume of cases that have been received and decided, and how many appeals have been allowed.

  • Monthly UK statistics on cattle, sheep and pig slaughter and meat production.

  • Trends of population indices for UK butterflies.

  • UK and foreign vessels landings by UK port and UK vessel landings abroad: provisional data

  • Confirmed findings of influenza of avian origin in non-avian wild mammals.

  • Weekly reports on rainfall and river flow in England for the last 3 months.

  • UK quota management spreadsheets showing uptake of fish catches by each producer organisation against their allocations for the year.

  • Quarterly and monthly consumer price indices of fuel components in current and real terms.

  • Monthly and annual prices of road fuels and fuels used for home heating, plus an index of crude oil prices.

  • Quarterly and annual gas and electricity prices for the non-domestic sector, including and excluding the Climate Change Levy (CCL), split into consumption size bands.

  • DESNZ publishes comparisons of industrial energy prices by consumer size against other EU and G7 countries, using data from both Eurostat and the International Energy Agency (IEA).

  • Special feature article from the March 2025 edition of Energy Trends statistical publication.

  • Special feature article on energy issues in the United Kingdom from the March 2025 edition of the quarterly statistical bulletin Energy Trends.

  • Comparisons of road fuel prices against other EU countries, using data from the European Commission Oil Bulletin.