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312 services sorted by Most viewed
  • Claim up to £5,000 off your employer's National Insurance (NI), who is eligible, how to claim using your payroll software

  • Plan your retirement income - State Pension, improve your pension, pay National Insurance, check your State Pension age

  • You can start Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) if you're eligible and you or your partner ends your maternity or adoption leave early - eligibility, entitlement, starting SPL and spli…

  • Winter Fuel Payment helps older people with their heating bills - claim form, how much you get, eligibility

  • Employer and employee guide to unpaid parental leave - eligibility, how much leave can be taken and notice periods

  • It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of their sex, religion, disability or certain other personal characteristics ('protected characteristics')

  • How to take an employer to a tribunal: the hearing, what happens if you lose your case, how to appeal.

  • Claim money if you've lost your job because your employer has been made insolvent

  • Get business support and advice over the phone and online - setting up and running a business.

  • Who's entitled to the minimum wage, what's included when working out the minimum wage, and what happens if there's a dispute.

  • Apply for a sponsor licence so you can sponsor foreign workers or students to come and work or study in the UK

  • What new employers need to do for PAYE, including choosing whether to run payroll yourself, paying someone for the first time and keeping records.

  • There is no law for a minimum or maximum temperature, but during working hours the temperature in all workplaces inside buildings must be reasonable

  • If you're an employer and provide expenses or benefits to employees or directors, you might need to tell HMRC and pay tax and National Insurance on them

  • A contract is an agreement between employee and employer setting out implied and explicit terms and conditions - written statement of particulars, collective agreements

  • Claim capital allowances so your business pays less tax when you buy assets - equipment, fixtures, business cars, plant and machinery, annual investment allowance, first year allowances.

  • Download HMRC's free payroll software Basic PAYE Tools

  • Estimate your armed forces pension - get a forecast of your armed forces pension, apply online or by post

  • 'Defined contribution' and 'defined benefit' pension schemes - what they are and what you'll get from them

  • Guidance for employees and employers: employment rights when on maternity, paternity, adoption or parental bereavement leave - keeping in touch days, annual leave, returning to work, redundancy