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194 services sorted by Most viewed
  • This form can be used to support you to identify what help and changes are available to help you move into work or stay in a job.

  • Where you can work, your rights, healthcare, tax and National Insurance payments.

  • Employees' rights at work under fixed-term contracts - and what happens if a contract is renewed or ended

  • Joining a union and getting recognition for collective bargaining and agreements - legal rules about membership, union reps and your rights

  • Work out how much money you'll get when you retire and plan ahead - State Pension, Pension Credit, National Insurance

  • Where to find internships and work placements.

  • When to tell a potential employer, university, college or insurance company about a criminal record, when it becomes 'spent' and what shows up on a DBS check.

  • Disciplinary procedures your employer has at work - disciplinary hearings, appeals, suspension, dismissal and help and advice

  • Your Statutory Adoption Pay and Leave - what you get, how to claim and eligibility

  • Grievances and disciplinary action at work can be solved by informal discussions, formal procedures, mediation, conciliation or arbitration.

  • How to dismiss staff fairly, working within dismissal rules and dealing with dismissals relating to whistleblowing

  • When employers move, employees with mobility clauses, what happens with redundancies, compensation, disputes and company takeovers

  • Lays-offs and short-time working - pay, rights, temporary lay-off, redundancy, taking on extra work, claiming Jobseeker's Allowance, short-time regulations and payments

  • Personal data an employer can keep about an employee, and employee rights to see this information under data protection rules

  • What to do if you're an employer who has been taken to an employment tribunal. Find out about the hearing, what happens if you lose your case and how to appeal.

  • Support from Jobcentre Plus if you're recruiting - including work trials, recruitment advice, Youth Contract and other employment schemes

  • Employees can raise a grievance at work when an informal solution is not possible - grievance procedure, mediation, meetings, appeals

  • The rules for working on Sundays, opt in, opt out arrangements, rules for shop and betting shop workers

  • Accommodation provided by an employer can affect the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage: offset rates, accommodation charges.

  • The Work and Health Programme helps you find and keep a job if you're out of work - eligibility, how to claim.