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23 services sorted by Most viewed
  • Universal Credit is replacing 6 other benefits with a single monthly payment if you're out of work or on a low income - eligibility, how to prepare.

  • Find out what benefits you could get, how much you could get and how to claim

  • Pension Credit is extra money for pensioners to bring your weekly income up to a minimum amount - what you'll get, apply, eligibility.

    • Overview

      Pension Credit gives you extra money to help with your living costs if…

    • Eligibility

      You must live in England, Scotland or Wales and have reached State Pension…

    • What you'll get

      Pension Credit tops up: your weekly income to £218.15 if you’re single…

    • How to claim

      Before you apply for Pension Credit, check if you’re eligible. When you…

    • Report a change of circumstances

      You need to report changes to you and your partner’s personal and…

  • Get an estimate of how much Pension Credit you may be entitled to

  • The Christmas Bonus is a one-off tax-free £10 payment to people who get certain benefits - what you'll get, eligibility, how to claim

  • Employment and Support Allowance (ESA) money if you cannot work because of illness or disability - rates, eligibility, apply, assessment.

  • Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA) is an unemployment benefit you can claim while looking for work - how to apply online, New Style Jobseeker's Allowance (JSA), eligibility, rates, rapid reclaim, JSA interview, when payment…

  • Interest-free loans from the government for some people on benefits: how to apply, check if you're eligible

  • NHS Business Services Authority contact number for ordering prepaid prescriptions for 3 or 12 months at a cheaper rate than single prescriptions

  • Carer's Credit helps carers fill gaps in your National Insurance record to help you qualify for the State Pensions and other benefits - what you'll get, eligibility and how to claim

  • A disability premium is extra money if you’re under Pension Credit age and registered blind or getting certain benefits - what you get, eligibility, apply

  • Check if you can get free NHS prescriptions, dental treatment or eye tests - or help with other NHS costs

  • Support for Mortgage Interest (SMI) helps homeowners on certain benefits pay interest on loans or mortgages - what you'll get, eligibility and how to claim.

  • Constant Attendance Allowance - extra money to help pay for care if you get Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit or a War Disablement Pension

  • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit is help if you're ill or disabled from an accident or disease caused by work - eligibility, how to claim.

  • Income Support is extra money to help people on a low income or none at all - rates, eligibility and how to claim

  • Only fill in this capability for work questionnaire (ESA50) if you’re asked to do so – this is not a claim form.

  • If you cannot use the online service to apply for a Budgeting Loan, you can do it by post using this application form.

  • Find out about help you can get moving from benefits to work - work trials, programmes and clubs, New Enterprise Allowance, help with drug or alcohol problems, carer support

  • You may be able to get a one-off payment if you've been diagnosed with diffuse mesothelioma, and your exposure to asbestos happened in the UK