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Transparency and freedom of information releases

833 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
Of Type FOI release
From National Highways
or Closed organisation: Highways Agency (HA)
or Closed organisation: Highways England (Highways England)
  • Response to a request for information regarding the amount of money the Dartford Crossing made between 1 November 2016 and 31 October 2017.

  • Response to a request regarding the amount of credits (payments for a crossing) that have been ‘written off’ due to being over 12 months old.

  • Response to a request regarding the number of HGV crossings and revenue collected for 2015/16 financial year.

  • Response to a request regarding the number of lane closures on the M6 between Junctions 16 and 18.

  • Response to a request regarding details of an 11 stage process to close a motorway.

  • Response to a request for information regarding the A249/A2 water works.

  • Response to a request regarding safety inspection details in relation to the M66 northbound carriageway.

  • Response to a request regarding information relating to animal carcasses found on Highways England’s road network.

  • Response to a request regarding information relating to the amount, and policy related to, concrete and steel barriers on Highway England’s network.

  • Response to a request for information relating to corrosive substances used by Highways England.

  • Response to a request for information regarding pothole inspections for the A27.

  • Response to a request for information regarding the Asset Support Contracts for Areas 1, 2 and 3.

  • Response to a request for information asking for data on surface defects (potholes).

  • Response to a request for information relating to the status of advertised Orders.

  • Response to a request regarding information relating to the Highways England Learning and Development Framework.

  • Response to a request for information relating to the tyre policy used by Highways England.

  • Response to a request for details of correspondence received from Alistair Burt MP regarding the section of the A1 and its junction with New Road in Sandy.

  • Response to a request regarding information relating to surface defect (pothole) data.

  • Response to a request for information about litter on the M25.

  • Response to a request for information about the Black Dam Roundabout.