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Transparency and freedom of information releases

149 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
Of Type FOI release
From Closed organisation: Department for Business, Innovation & Skills (BIS)
  • Amount of money provided by government to help develop the Plotr website.

  • Funding allocated to each Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) received from rounds 2, 3 and 4 of the Regional Growth Fund (RGF).

  • The number of Twitter accounts maintained by employees or contractors for the department and the name of these accounts.

  • Total number of people working in the department and of those people, the number making regular donations to a charity via the payroll.

  • Freedom of information release on employees who received remuneration of more than £100,000

  • Details of Department for Business, Innovation and Skills last sports day held on 4 July 2014, including costs and attendance.

  • Recruitment of senior civil servants by internal promotion, on transfer from another government department or open competition.

  • Official portraits of ministers who have served in the department since 2010.

  • Statistics related to the pay and work rights helpline.

  • Prosecutions for breaches of Section 84 of the Companies Act 2006 since 1 January 2009.

  • List of the old vehicle make and model and the number of claims submitted against each under the Vehicle Scrappage Scheme (VSS).

  • The number of people who applied for professional career development loans for the financial year 2013 to 2014.

  • Prosecutions brought by BIS against individuals for an offence under section 262a of the insolvency act 1986.

  • Update on the progress of the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) trade negotiations between the EU and US.

  • Letter from Mike Hancock CBE MP to the Rt Hon Michael Fallon MP dated 25 April 2014.

  • Details of businesses registered on the GrowthAccelerator scheme specifically regarding retailers and IT companies.

  • Funding allocated to the Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate since 2009.

  • Information on web traffic to the BIS and the Government Office for Science home pages since 1 January 2014.

  • Details the amount spent on social media within BIS from April 2012 to May 2014.

  • Details of consultants and secondees used by the Shareholder Executive within BIS during 2013 to 2014.