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Transparency and freedom of information releases

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600 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
Of Type FOI release
From Closed organisation: Department of Energy & Climate Change (DECC)
  • Royal Prerogative powers used in various government departments.

  • Communications between Tony Blair and his organisations and DECC ministers and ministerial offices.

  • Freedom of Information request response regarding correspondence between DECC and Cluff Natural Resources.

  • Response to a request for information on all correspondence between OUGO and Third Energy, Barton Willmore and UKOOG.

  • Response to a request for information on DECC Permanent Secretary's meetings with various organisations.

  • Response to a request for information on proposed spending as published in DECC’s 2013-14 annual report and accounts.

  • Response to a request for information on correspondence between DECC senior staff and the Health and Safety Executive on shale gas well integrity.

  • Response to a request for information on the department's marketing spend.

  • Response to a request for information on ministerial communications with oil and gas companies on fiscal regime.

  • Response to a request for information on time spent by ministers in the departmental offices.

  • Response to a request for information on staff currently seconded from outside companies.

  • Response to a request for details contracts have been taken out with Google or its subsidiaries.

  • Response to a request for information on staff currently seconded to outside companies.

  • Response to a request for on departmental monitoring of suppliers’ compliance with contractual requirements.

  • Response to a request for information on the department's sick absence.

  • Response to a request for communication between Special Advisers and Ken Cronin.

  • Response to Freedom of Information request on meetings between Baroness Verma and Scottish Power and Igas.

  • Response to Freedom of Information request regarding spending on social media over the last three financial years.

  • Response to a request for all correspondence between the department and oil companies since June 2014 regarding the price fall.

  • Response to a request for information regarding the Scottish Islands Renewables Delivery Forum.