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1,078 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
From HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
  • How new HMRC funding to tackle tax avoidance, evasion and criminal attack will secure around £2 billion in additional revenue.

  • With a large estate covering the UK and Northern Ireland, HMRC is one of the 'big four' government departments making a significant contribution to sustainable operations and procurement in the public sector.

  • HMRC's half-yearly performance against a range of compliance, operational and customer service measures in 2012-2013.

  • This briefing looks at our 2011-2012 half-yearly performance against our forecasts and targets so you are kept up to date on how we are performing for the taxpayer.

  • Information on the revision and updating of the administrative burdens baseline.

  • The Customer experience score is a composite measure derived from four dimensions of customer experience.

  • The Measurement template provides detailed information about HMRC's input and impact indicators.

  • As part of the Joint Initiative on Service Delivery, HMRC has worked with Representative Bodies to agree information about its Call Centres that it will publish.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • Amendment to call waiting time data supplied in our performance report.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • Freedom of Information release relating to the 'tax under consideration figure' for enquiries by Large Business Service (LBS) by type of risk as used internally.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • Government departments have been exercising tighter controls on expenditure as part of a spending freeze (moratorium) in five key areas: consulting, property, Information and Communication Technology (ICT), recruitment, and …

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.

  • The resource accounts provide detailed accounting and expenditure information for 2011-12.

  • The spreadsheet below sets out monthly details of HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) expenditure with suppliers covering transactions that exceed £25,000.