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Transparency and freedom of information releases

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315 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
From Intellectual Property Office (IPO)
  • Request for information on accelerated patent examination for environmentally beneficial technologies.

  • Request for details of an application programming interface for trade mark searching.

  • A list of patents that have ceased but can still be restored by payment of due fees.

  • Claims issues at the Patents County Court in 2011, 2010 and 2009 with a monthly breakdown.

  • Request for registered trade mark information within the FMGC market.

  • Ownership of patents transferred from one owner to another by year over the last 5 years.

  • Information on the numbers of ‘live’ registered trade marks and patents in the UK.

  • Information about the largest patent holders: company names, quantity and subject area of each patent.

  • Terms and conditions of employment with respect to maternity, paternity and adoption leave.

  • Statistics of new use patents in the UK between years 2005/2011.

  • Information on patent fees for the years 1991, 1996, 2001 and 2011.

  • Statistics relating to (1) the number of patents filed for new chemical entities and (2) the number of patents filed for second medical use.

  • Request for information regarding a peer review process on changes to copyright.

  • The IPO is committed to provide greater transparency of public information.

  • Details of all FOI requests responded to between 1 April 2013 to 11 September 2014.