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Housing, local and community

Transparency and freedom of information releases

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1,158 releases sorted by Updated (newest)
  • Evaluation of the Big Energy Shift Final report to DECC and Sciencewise-ERC, 16 August 2010

    First published during the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

  • In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors.

  • Posts and salary data for staff in the government offices network.

  • Details of junior and senior posts at the DCLG, their salary information and an organisational chart.

  • This document is published in accordance with Section 1(1)(e) of the Sustainable Energy Act 2003 (SE Act), which requires the Secretary of State…

    First published during the 2010 to 2015 Conservative and Liberal Democrat coalition government

  • Details of special advisers' meetings, as well as of gifts and hospitality received by them, between May to July 2010.

  • Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment funding settlement letters

  • Request: For information about the number of SCS and Board members eligible for a bonus and the amount of bonus awarded. Disclosure: The Department…

  • In line with Cabinet Office guidance, we now publish the business costs of our most senior officials and non-executive directors.

  • Arm's length bodies expenditure for 2008 to 2009.

  • Guidance on Communities and Local Government and Government Offices spending data 2010-11 HM Treasury requires that all central government …

  • Details of grants paid out by the Department for Communities and Local Government in the financial year 2008 to 2009.

  • Details of grants paid out by the Department for Communities and Local Government in the financial year 2009 to 2010.

  • The Department for Communities and Local Government is fully committed to the Government’s transparency agenda. In support of this we are pleased…

  • Request : For information about Department for Communities and Local Government’s use of the GPC. Disclosure : The Department for Communities…

  • Request: Information regarding the Department contractual arrangements with Faithwise LTD from August 2009 - July 2010. Disclosure: Period …

  • Request: Information regarding the maintenance of Pot Plants. Disclosure: Confirmation that no pot plant has been purchased since May 2010 …

  • Request: Information regarding bonus payment to CLG staff for 2008/9 and 2009/10 Disclosure: Total number of SCS staff in receipt of a bonus…

  • Request: Information regarding the Planning Appeal for Oak Tree Farm (Ref APP/H1515/A/09/2106911). Disclosure: Ministerial involvement, casework…

  • Request: Information on any financial assistance towards the education of CLG employee’s children at primary, secondary or university levels…