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  • How to use tools such as Content Data and Google Analytics to improve your content's search engine optimisation (SEO) and get data on how users are interacting with your content.

  • The Planning Inspectorate appeals casework portal - Cookies

  • The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has accepted commitments offered by Google that address the CMA’s competition concerns resulting from investigating Google’s proposals to remove third-party cookies and other functionalities from its Chrome browser.

  • This playbook explains how we use social media at GDS. In it, we share our best practice, what we've learned and what we're planning to do.

  • GOV.UK uses cookies to collect anonymised information about how users browse the site.

  • This strategy sets out how DWP intends to increase the quantity and quality of user engagement with the National and Official Statistics it produces.

  • Investigation to determine if Google has strategic market status in search and search advertising activities and whether these services are delivering good outcomes for people and businesses in the UK.

  • What data is collected when you use GOV.UK - how it's used, where it's stored, your rights.

  • How government organisations can work with the Government Digital Service (GDS) to close government websites and move content to GOV.UK.