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17,742 results sorted by Relevance
  • You can start Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and Statutory Shared Parental Pay (ShPP) if you're eligible and you or your partner ends your maternity or adoption leave early - eligibility, entitlement, starting SPL and splitting blocks of leave

  • Your Statutory Adoption Pay and Leave - what you get, how to claim and eligibility

    • Overview

      When you take time off to adopt a child or have a child through a…

    • Leave

      Statutory Adoption Leave is 52 weeks. It’s made up of: 26 weeks of…

    • Pay

      Statutory Adoption Pay is paid for up to 39 weeks. The weekly amount is:…

    • Eligibility

      There are different eligibility rules for leave and pay. Adoption leave To…

    • How to claim

      The rules are slightly different if you’re adopting from overseas or…

  • Your employee can take Shared Parental Leave (SPL) if they're eligible and they or their partner ends their maternity or adoption leave early - eligibility, entitlement, starting SPL, splitting blocks of leave and record keeping

    • Overview

      Employees may be able to get Shared Parental Leave (SPL) and Statutory…

    • Eligibility

      Sometimes only one parent in a couple will be eligible to get Shared…

    • Entitlement

      If an employee is eligible and they or their partner end maternity or…

    • Starting Shared Parental Leave

      For Shared Parental Leave (SPL) to start, the mother or adopter must do…

    • Blocks of leave

      An employee taking Shared Parental Leave (SPL) can split their leave into…

    • Record keeping

      You must keep records for HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC), including: the…

    • Help with statutory pay

      For financial help with statutory pay, you can: reclaim payments (usually…

  • Employer guide to Statutory Paternity Pay or Leave - entitlement, eligibility, notice period, forms SC3 and SPP1, recover statutory pay.

  • Workplace pensions and automatic enrolment - how you're affected, how pensions are protected, what happens if you move job or go on maternity leave and how to opt out

  • Work out your Statutory Adoption Leave dates - Ordinary and Additional Adoption Leave period, notice period and earliest start date

  • Apply for indefinite leave to remain ('settlement') if you have a business, investor or talent visa - fees, who's eligible, how to apply.

  • Holiday entitlement or annual leave - information for employers and workers on entitlement, calculating leave, taking leave, accruing leave and disputes

  • Employer guide to Statutory Adoption Pay and Leave - entitlement, eligibility, notice period, proof of adoption, recover statutory pay

  • Apply for indefinite leave to remain ('settlement') if you have a Scale-up Worker visa - fees, who's eligible, how to apply.