Set up and run a motorcycle approved training body (ATB)

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Rules for being an ATB

You must meet certain rules to be an approved training body (ATB).

‘Fit and proper’

You must be a ‘fit and proper’ person to run the ATB. You must have passed a criminal record check. When deciding if you’re a ‘fit and proper’ person, DVSA will look at if you have:

  • had any convictions in the last 4 years
  • any motoring convictions
  • been disqualified from driving
  • any penalty points on your licence
  • any court proceedings pending against you


You must provide compulsory basic training (CBT) as an ATB. Any CBT and direct access scheme (DAS) courses you provide must meet the legal requirements.

The CBT syllabus and guidance notes gives full details on what must be provided.

An instructor is only allowed to supervise up to 2 trainees during on-road tuition.

Your instructors must be in radio contact with all trainees at all times during on-road tuition.

Training sites

You must have the use of a suitable site or sites for training in the off-road parts of the CBT course.

These sites must be authorised by DVSA before they’re used.


You must make sure that all your instructors:

  • have a valid instructor certificate for the type of training they give - this must show the name of your ATB
  • have passed a criminal record check if they’re applying for or renewing their training certificate

At least 1 of your instructors must have successfully completed DVSA’s assessment course for motorcycle training.

DVSA-assessed instructors are allowed to train other people that you want to appoint as instructors - this is known as ‘down-training’.

You should have at least 1 DVSA-assessed instructor for every 10 instructors that have been down-trained.


You should send all required information about the courses you provide to DVSA including:

  • reporting any incidents
  • dates when you’re providing CBT courses
  • the CBT certificates of completion you issue

The ATB manual gives more details about what you have to send.