Stop squatters legally possessing property

HM Land Registry will tell you if squatters apply for legal ownership of your property if it’s registered - you must take action if you want to keep it.

Get legal advice from a conveyancer or solicitor if squatters try to claim your property.

How you block an application depends on whether your property is registered with HM Land Registry or not.

Registered properties

You’ve 65 days to object to an application - HM Land Registry will tell you what you need to do.

HM Land Registry will reject the squatters’ application if you’ve got a valid objection.

You must take action to remove the squatters and reclaim your property once the squatters’ claim is rejected.

You will not be able to object again if you’ve done nothing within 2 years of the original application and the same squatters reapply.

Unregistered properties

You can object to a squatter’s application. HM Land Registry will tell you what you need to do.

HM Land Registry may not be able to contact you if your property is not registered.

HM Land Registry will decide if your objection is valid. If it is, they’ll ask if you want to negotiate with the squatters, for example offer to sell them the property. You’ll be given time to do so.

A tribunal will decide who owns the property if you cannot agree - HM Land Registry will arrange this.