Help and support for foster parents in England

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Help with the cost of fostering

All foster parents get a foster care allowance to help cover the cost of caring for a child. You might get additional payments, depending on:

  • if the child has specific needs
  • how many children you’re fostering
  • your skills and experience
  • your fostering service

Contact your fostering service to find out how much you get.

This guidance applies to England. There’s different fostering guidance if you live in Scotland, live in Wales or live in Northern Ireland.

Minimum weekly allowance

The minimum allowance you’ll get depends on where you live and the age of the child you care for. The allowance is updated every April.

Weekly allowances for the tax year from 6 April 2024 to 5 April 2025

Age 0 to 2 Age 3 to 4 Age 5 to 10 Age 11 to 15 Age 16 to 17
London £191 £195 £217 £248 £289
South East £183 £189 £208 £238 £278
Rest of England £165 £170 £187 £213 £249

Allowance rates when the child is 18

Children stop being in care when they reach 18, even if they’re still living with you. There is no minimum allowance when your child is old enough to leave foster care.

Contact your fostering service for more information.


You may be able to apply to your fostering service for extra money to help with things like:

  • school trips
  • holidays
  • birthdays
  • religious festivals