Taking disciplinary action against an employee

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Disciplinary investigations and hearings

The law does not say exactly how you should investigate disciplinary issues or hold disciplinary meetings.

The Acas guidance on discipline and grievances at work has practical advice about running disciplinary proceedings professionally and fairly.

The suggested disciplinary process

The Acas guidance suggests that your disciplinary process should follow the following format:

  1. A letter telling your employee the issue and inviting them to a disciplinary hearing.

  2. A meeting with your employee to discuss the issue - they should have the right to be accompanied.

  3. A letter to your employee saying what action you are going to take. This should be sent as soon as practically possible.

  4. Your employee should than have a chance to appeal your decision.

Disciplinary decisions

Disciplinary decisions could be anything that could resolve the problem.

This could include:

  • no action
  • written warning
  • final warning
  • demotion
  • dismissal
  • mediation with a co-worker