Become a Highways England supplier
Contract opportunities, prequalification processes and supplier expectations.
Contract opportunities
Search for opportunities with Highways England on Contracts Finder
For larger contracts Highways England also publishes a contract notice in Tenders Electronic Daily.
Highways England use their own framework or the Crown Commercial Service (CCS) framework agreements.
Highways England does not charge a tender fee for any contract opportunities. Most Highways England procurement comes through framework contracts, or indirectly through major schemes and maintenance arrangements. Highways England does not use an approved supplier list.
Terms and conditions
Model contract documents are provided to suppliers as a guide only. Specific contract documentation can differ from model contract documents and is issued by the procurement officer at the tender stage.
View Highways England model contract documents.
Pre-qualification process
If you are a potential supplier, you will need to go through a pre-qualification process before being invited to tender for Highways England contracts. This applies to those who wish to contract directly with Highways England - either individually or as part of a joint venture or partnership.
Pre-qualification criteria are specific to each contract. Highways England has three pre-qualification routes:
- full pre-qualification questionnaire for works contracts high in value and high risk; aligned to the revised PAS91 — 2013
- mini pre-qualification questionnaire for works contracts for works contracts lower in value and classed as lower risk; aligned to the revised PAS91 — 2013
- core pre-qualification questionniare for goods and services contracts; based on the Cabinet Office core questionnaire mandated for use as stated in Procurement policy note 01/12: use of pre-qualification questionnaires.
All pre-qualification questionnaires test the following criteria if relevant to the contract and in a way that is proportionate to the contract requirements:
- criteria for the rejection of economic operators
- economic and financial standing
- technical or professional ability
The contract notice will give details of who to contact for the contract specific pre-qualification pack and further details about any specific requirements being used in the pack
View Highways England’s procurement pre-qualification pack on the National Archive.
Strategic Alignment Review Tool (StART)
Highways England uses StART in the pre-qualification process for certain high-value contracts. These tend to be larger value, major projects such as Managing Agents Contracts or Technology Maintenance Contracts. The StART assessment helps both Highways England and service supply companies by:
- identifying business strengths and areas for development that are essential to perform a wide range of work
- ensuring companies know what is required to complete Highways England contracts
Contract notices state when the StART process will be applied and how to apply for a contract without an existing assessment and StART score. Many suppliers for larger contracts have already been through the process and received a StART score. The StART process is regularly reviewed and suppliers will be reassessed periodically.
National Highways Sector Scheme accreditation and health and safety certification
Highways England requires all suppliers to employ fully qualified and registered operatives, with relevant National Highway Sector Schemes (NHSS) registration/skills cards. Highways England usually also require contractors and sub-contractors to attend NHSS. See skills card and registration requirements for suppliers of the Highways England.
Expectations for suppliers
In order to become a supplier of goods and services to the Highways England, you must compete against other businesses for the contract, except when competition is unnecessary - eg in a monopoly supply situation
Highways England selects suppliers who:
- represent value for money
- can deliver on time and to cost
- work hard to maintain Highways England’s reputation and standards
Highways England will expect all their suppliers to:
- be as transparent as possible
- avoid all links to fraud or conflict of interest in their business and supply chain
- support Highways England goals and values and focus on achieving customer satisfaction in terms of safe roads, reliable journeys and informed travellers
- be able to deliver the level of quality needed
- provide a fair and equal workplace and fight bullying and discrimination
- deliver year-on-year efficiency
- manage and deliver their own performance to all aspects of the contract, addressing issues before Highways England measurement and intervention
- adhere to all appropriate legislation, including data protection obligations
Highways England uses procurement to support government sustainability priorities and to monitor supplier response. Highways England and their suppliers must consider:
- sustainable consumption and production
- climate change
- natural resources
- sustainable communities
Working with Highways England can benefit your business. They will work with you and other organisations, such as local authorities:
- to develop innovative and Lean ways of working, making use of technology and improving performance
- to follow fair and prompt payment initiatives
Highways England will promote the benefits of a diverse and competitive supply chain and engage with suppliers over opportunities for improving capability, capacity and expertise.
This will include:
- gathering market intelligence and encouraging competition
- engaging and developing supplier relationships through regular communications and meetings
- exploring new market opportunities
- consulting with industry on new initiatives, managing standards and offering opportunities to a diverse supply base and new suppliers
- maintaining regular face-to-face dialogue with strategic partners
Call the Highways England Action Line: 0300 470 3680 or e-mail
Highways England is committed to the highest standards in the workplace. Contact our Highways England Action Line if you see, or have evidence of:
- any illegal act including:
- fraud
- bribery
- corruption
- money laundering
- a health and safety risk
- a compliance breach
- an attempt to conceal any of the above
You can raise a concern openly, confidentially or anonymously.
If you raise a concern openly we will ensure you do not suffer any detriment or harassment as a result. We will take all reasonable steps to maintain your confidentiality where it is requested (unless required by law to break that confidentiality).
Corporate identity
Highways England works with a variety of suppliers, contractors and consultants, yet needs to maintain a clear and consistent corporate identity. If you work on behalf of Highways England you will need to write in the Highways England style and comply with its visual identity guidelines to stay consistent with the corporate brand.
Highways England will provide you with information on logos, colours and sizes, co-branding, vehicle branding and general rules for publications.
Performance measurement
Highways England monitors and manages supplier performance through a performance management framework. This framework provides Highways England with a standard approach to capturing performance data in order to achieve:
- visibility of service provider performance
- consistency in the data captured on service provider performance
- benchmarking of service provider performance results
A full catalogue of guidance documents and manuals are available on our Supply Chain Portal. You can request access by contacting supply chain communications.
How a supplier is selected for award of a contract
Highways England assessment of tenders is carried out in three stages:
- a panel will judge the content of the quality tender submission
- we verify the quality submission and financial information
- we validate the prices and availability of key people
The exact requirements of each contract are set out in the tender documents provided by Highways England, and you will be given the opportunity for debriefing at the end of the tender selection process.
Updates to this page
Published 9 October 2012Last updated 21 August 2019 + show all updates
Updated StART Best Practice document
Replaced Visual Identity Guidelines document
Latest version of the visual identity document uploaded.
Added updated Strategic Alignment Review Tool
Whistleblowing procedure added.
Updated version of the StART Assessment guide added
Link added to Highways England Lean guidance.
Updated StART assessment guide added
Health and safety information updated.
New version of Visual Identity Guidelines published.
Highways England visual identity and tone of voice guidance added.
StART document updated.
Fully revised due to migration to GOV.UK
First published.