Investor visa (Tier 1)

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Extend your visa

You may be able to extend your Tier 1 (Investor) visa for 2 years.

Your family members (‘dependants’) will need to apply separately to extend their visa. They can either apply at the same time as you, or at any time before their current visa expires.

You should apply before your current visa expires. Read the full guidance on the Tier 1 (Investor) visa before you apply.


The investment eligibility requirements depend on when you successfully applied for your visa.

If you successfully applied before 6 November 2014

You can apply to extend your visa if all of the following apply:

  • you have had at least £2 million invested in UK government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active UK companies since 6 April 2020
  • you had at least £1 million under your control in the UK before 6 April 2020
  • you invested £750,000 in UK government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active UK companies within 3 months of your ‘investor start date’

If you successfully applied on or after 6 November 2014

You can apply to extend your visa if all of the following apply:

  • you have at least £2 million under your control in the UK
  • you have invested those funds in share capital or loan capital in active UK companies
  • you invested this sum within 3 months of your ‘investor start date’

If you successfully applied before 29 March 2019, you can also apply to extend if you invested your funds in UK government bonds.

Investor start date

Your ‘investor start date’ is either:

  • the date you came into the UK (if you have proof of this)
  • the date your original visa application or switch from a different visa category was approved (if you cannot prove your date of entry)

Documents you must provide

When you apply you’ll need to provide:

  • a current passport or other valid travel identification
  • your tuberculosis test results if you’re from a country where you have to take the test
  • a criminal record certificate from any country you have stayed in for a total of 12 months or more over the last 10 years
  • investment portfolio reports produced by a UK regulated financial institution that show you’ve met the investment eligibility requirements and maintained your investments for the full length of your visa

You need a blank page in your passport for your visa.

You’ll need to provide a certified translation of any documents that are not in English or Welsh.


For each person, you’ll need to pay:

If you want to get a decision more quickly than the standard 8 weeks, you can pay an extra £500 for the priority service to get a decision within 5 working days.

How to extend your visa if you’re in the UK

You must apply online to extend your visa if you’re in the UK.

Providing biometric information and supporting documents

When you apply, you’ll be asked to make an appointment at a UK Visa and Citizenship Application Services (UKVCAS) service point to provide your biometric information (your fingerprints and a photo).

You’ll also need to submit your supporting documents. You can:

  • upload them into the online service
  • have them scanned at your UKVCAS appointment

You must not travel outside of the UK, Ireland, the Channel Islands or the Isle of Man until you get a decision. Your application will be withdrawn if you do.

How long it takes

A decision will usually be made:

  • within 8 weeks of your application date if you use the standard service
  • within 5 working days of your UKVCAS appointment if you use the priority service

Once you’ve got your decision letter, your biometric residence permit will take up to 10 working days to arrive.

You’ll be contacted if your application is complicated and will take longer, for example because:

  • your supporting documents need to be verified
  • you need to attend an interview
  • of your personal circumstances, for example if you have a criminal conviction

Once you’ve applied you can stay in the UK until you’ve been given a decision, as long as you applied before your last visa expired.

How to extend your visa if you’re outside the UK

You must apply online to extend your visa if you’re outside the UK.

You’ll need to have your fingerprints and photograph taken at a visa application centre (to get a biometric residence permit) as part of your application.

You must collect your biometric residence permit within 10 days of when you said you’d arrive in the UK (even if you actually arrive at a later date).

You may be able to pay to get a faster decision.