Universal Credit guides
Detailed information about Universal Credit.
These Universal Credit collection pages contain more detailed information to support the high level information in the Universal Credit main guide.
Universal Credit: information for claimants
Universal Credit: information for stakeholders and partners
Updates to this page
Removed out of date Universal Credit video.
Removed the old Universal Credit video and content. Added links to Universal Credit collection pages and the Universal Credit in action video.
Published a revised version of the 2 child limit flowchart.
Added flowchart explaining the 2 child limit to Universal Credit claims.
Added information about the 2 child limit for claimants.
Added information about differnet earnings patterns and how these may affect Universal Credit payments.
Removed guides for people claiming Universal Credit in Croydon, Hounslow, Musselburgh, Southwark and Sutton. This information is now included in other guides on this page.
Amended link text to include Hounslow due to digital service rollout.
Updated with the latest information about Universal Credit, including links to illustrated guides and videos.
Published revised version of 'James is better off for every extra hour he works with Universal Credit' video.
New short film added - Universal Credit: managing your money - that introduces the support that’s available with Universal Credit to help you manage your money.
Added Universal Credit and families guides, these are: Universal Credit and your family, How Universal Credit supports families, Universal Credit and families questions and answers and Claimant journey for families
Updated to provide the latest information about Universal Credit, including 3 new publications - 'Managing Universal Credit payments', 'Prepare for Universal Credit payments' and 'Universal Credit and couples questions and answers'.
Added new guide 'How Universal Credit helps make work pay'.
Updated to provide the latest information about Universal Credit. Also added 3 new 'Universal Credit and couples' publications - 'an introduction', 'the claimant journey' and 'the stages in making a joint claim'.
Added 1 PDF: 'How Universal Credit can help your business'.
Published new version of 'James is better off for every extra hour he works with Universal Credit' video, updated with the 2014 to 2015 benefit rates.
Added 2 new PDF's, 'How Universal Credit helps to make work pay by topping up earnings' and 'How Universal Credit helps to make work pay'.
Added "Introduction to Universal Credit" video
Added video giving an employer's view of Universal Credit
Published guidance on Universal Credit and rented housing.
link added to new video for 'James claims Universal Credit'
Page and quick guides updated to reflect recent changes to where Universal Credit is available
Added a link to a list of information that claimants need to have ready before they start their claim for Universal Credit.
Announcement that the Claimant Commitment approach used for Universal Credit will be extended to new claimants of Jobseeker’s Allowance.
Minor amendments to "Claiming Universal Credit", "Universal Credit claim journey" and the Universal Credit illustration "James checks his eligibility to claim Universal Credit in the Pathfinder" to reflect extension of the pathfinder to Oldham and Warrington.
Removed link to sample press release publication.
Added back link to sample press release.
Removed link to sample press article for re-use in media channels.
Videos of 3 'illustrations' showing 'James' checking if he is eligible to claim Universal Credit, claiming Universal Credit and finding out he is better off under Universal Credit for every extra hour he works.
Information about how to access and use th Universal Credit visual identity added.
Two videos published showing how Gary and Bianca found a job. Three illustrations published featuring ‘James’ as he checks his Universal Credit eligibility, makes a Universal Credit claim, and starts work.
Updated to take account of the start of the Universal Credit Pathfinder.
First published.