Vaccine Damage Payment
How to claim
You can apply online or fill in and post a paper form.
Claim for a Vaccine Damage Payment on the NHSBSA website.
You do not need a legal representative, such as a solicitor, to apply for a Vaccine Damage Payment.
Time limits on making a claim
You can only claim for a child once they are 2 years old.
To claim for an adult, apply by whichever is the latest of the following dates:
- on or before their 21st birthday (or if they’ve died, the date they would have reached 21)
- within 6 years of the vaccination
Other help you can get
You might be able to:
- get financial help if you’re disabled
- apply for equipment for your home if you’re disabled
- get a Bereavement Support Payment, if you’re claiming a Vaccine Damage Payment for someone who has died