
D4 waste exemption: depositing diseased crops under a Plant Health Notice

The D4 exemption allows you to deposit diseased crops where they were grown when a Plant Health Notice has been issued, to reduce the risk of spreading plant diseases or pests.

Applies to England

Types of activity you can carry out

This includes:

  • disposing of diseased or spoilt crops on your farm if you have been issued with a Plant Health Notice

Types of activity you cannot carry out:

You cannot:

  • dispose of spoilt crops that are not the subject of a Plant Health Notice
  • import crops from other farms that are also subject to a Plant Health Notice
  • allow landscape gardeners and tree surgeons to bring back wood and plant tissue from their jobs and deposit them at your farm

Types of waste you can deposit

The waste codes are those listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the relevant waste code and description.

Waste code Type of waste
020103 Plant tissue waste

Amount of waste you can deposit

Where waste is placed in a pile, each pile of waste must be no more than 250 tonnes.

Key conditions

You must not deposit diseased crops:

  • within 10 metres of any watercourse, including rivers and streams, or within 50 metres of any spring, well or borehole
  • on land that is frozen, covered with snow or waterlogged
  • on land that has been frozen for 12 hours or more in the 24 hours before you want to spread it

You cannot place piles of waste immediately next to each other.

These conditions are to reduce the risk of polluting watercourses or groundwater.

The deposit can only take place at the farm where the crops were grown.

T6: treating waste wood and waste plant matter by chipping, shredding, cutting or pulverizing

T23: aerobic composting and associated prior treatment

T24: anaerobic digestion at premises used for agriculture and burning of resulting biogas

T25: anaerobic digestion at premises not used for agriculture and burning of resulting biogas

U10: spreading waste to benefit agricultural land

U12: using mulch

U13: spreading plant matter to provide benefits

You cannot use these other exemptions if the Plant Health Notice requires that the plant tissue is destroyed.

Register a D4 exemption

You need to register this exemption with us if you meet the requirements:

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Published 12 September 2019

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