T10 waste exemption: sorting waste for recycling
The T10 exemption allows small organisations, such as charities, to sort recyclable waste so that it can be recovered.
Applies to England
Types of activity you can carry out
These include:
- a charity collecting mixed aluminium cans and paper to raise money and it needs to separate them
- collecting and sorting small amounts of mixed recyclable waste
Types of activity you cannot carry out
You cannot:
- bale or shred the waste (see related exemptions)
- accept waste that is mixed with a type of waste that is not permitted
- accept waste that is contaminated with biodegradable waste
Types of waste you can treat
The waste codes are those listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the relevant waste code and description.
Waste code | Type of waste |
150101, 200101 | Paper and cardboard |
150102, 200139 | Plastics |
150104, 200140 | Metals |
150105 | Composite packaging |
150106 | Mixed packaging |
150107, 200102 | Glass |
150109, 200110, 200111 | Textiles and clothing only |
Amount of waste you can treat
You can:
- store up to 10 tonnes at any one time
- treat up to 10 tonnes within any 7-day period
Key conditions
You can sort one type of the waste from another.
The waste must be stored in a secure place.
Related exemptions
You could register the following exemptions for further treating or using the waste once it has been sorted:
U3 – using waste in the construction of entertainment or educational installations
T4 – preparatory treatments, such as, baling, sorting, shredding
Register a T10 exemption
You need to register this exemption with the Environment Agency if you meet the requirements.
Related permits
If you want to treat more than the amount of waste allowed under this exemption or treat mixtures of waste not listed above, you must apply for an environmental permit.
Hazardous waste – see How to classify different types of waste.
Secure – a container, lagoon or other place is secure in relation to waste kept in it if:
- all reasonable precautions are taken to make sure the waste can’t escape
- members of the public can’t gain access to the waste