T18 waste exemption: removing water from clay and paints
The T18 exemption allows you to treat waste by using flocculants to remove water so that clay or water-based paints can be recovered.
Applies to England
Types of activity you can carry out
These include:
- removing water from clay effluent produced from manufacturing ceramics to recover the clay and/or water
- recovering water-based paints from wash water
Types of activity you cannot carry out
You cannot:
- use this exemption if you are planning to dispose of the waste, for example by discharging it to a sewer
- treat hazardous waste
Types of waste you can treat
The waste codes are those listed in the List of Wastes (LoW) Regulations. You need to make sure your waste fits within the relevant waste code and description.
Waste code | Type of waste |
010409 | Clay effluent from the manufacture of ceramics |
080120 | Water-based paint wash water |
Quantity of waste you can treat
You can store or treat up to 30,000 litres at any one time.
Key conditions
The waste must be stored in a container with secondary containment.
What else you need to know
You must not discharge dirty water to controlled waters or sewers without the correct consent. See Discharges to surface water and groundwater: environmental permits.
Register a T18 exemption
You need to register this exemption with the Environment Agency if you meet the requirements.
Hazardous waste – see How to classify different types of waste.
Secondary containment – a bund or any other system for preventing waste that has leaked from its main container from escaping from the place where it is stored or treated.