Windrush Scheme: get a document showing your right to be in the UK

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You arrived before 1973 from a Commonwealth country

You may be able to apply for a document to prove you can live and work in Britain if both of the following apply:

What you’re entitled to depends on whether you:

  • have been living in the UK continuously
  • left the UK for more than 2 years and came back
  • are outside the UK

If you’ve been living in the UK continuously

If you’ve lived in the UK continuously, or have the right of abode, you can apply for one of the following:

  • British citizenship
  • evidence you have the right of abode
  • a document confirming you have indefinite leave to remain

Contact the Windrush helpline for help with working out if you’re eligible.

Find out how to apply.

If you’ve left the UK for more than 2 years and come back

If you’ve been away from the UK for more than 2 years at some point and are now lawfully in the UK, you might be entitled to indefinite leave to remain.

If you already have indefinite leave to remain you might be able to apply for either:

  • a document to prove you have this
  • British citizenship

Contact the Windrush helpline for help with working out if you’re eligible.

Find out how to apply.

If you’re outside the UK

If you’ve left the UK and have lost your indefinite leave to remain, you might be entitled to:

  • a Returning Resident visa
  • a 10 year multiple entry visa

Contact the Windrush helpline for help with working out if you’re eligible.