The British Antarctic Territory (BAT) is a UK Overseas Territory administered in London by the Polar Regions Department of the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office.

The Government of the Territory has its own legislative framework and makes a range of legal and administrative appointments.

There is no formal British government representation locally in the BAT.

The BAT has no indigenous population and presence in the Territory is provided by:

The BAT comprises the sector of the Antarctic south of latitude 60 degrees South, between longitude 20 degrees West and 80 degrees West. The UK’s claim to this part of Antarctica is the oldest of any made on the continent. All territorial sovereignty claims to Antarctica are held in abeyance under Article IV of the Antarctic Treaty 1959.

The UK’s overarching objective is to support the security and good governance of the Territory.

Find out more from the Government of the British Antarctic Territory website.

Contact us

Polar Regions Department

Overseas Territories Directorate
Polar Regions Department
Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
King Charles Street

United Kingdom


0207 008 5000

Access and opening times