to the OSCE
UK Delegation to the OSCE
The UK Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) seeks to work with and through the OSCE and its 57 participating States to protect the UK's interests, people and values. The OSCE has a uniquely comprehensive approach to security, which covers a broad range of issues across the Euro-Atlantic and Eurasian region, "from Vancouver to Vladivostok".
We work to improve military security by encouraging greater openness, transparency and co-operation. OSCE participating states have developed the world’s most advanced regime of conventional arms control and confidence-building measures. We contribute to the work of the OSCE in addressing conflicts in the OSCE region, including in Ukraine. We also work on countering evolving transnational, non-military threats such as terrorism and organised crime.
We hold participating States to account over their commitments on human rights, fundamental freedoms, democracy and the rule of law, as well as wider corruption and governance issues, and seek to advance those commitments where possible. We support the OSCE’s autonomous institutions, including for example the work of the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights on election monitoring across the OSCE area. The OSCE also covers a range of economic and environmental issues.
We work to ensure the OSCE’s Secretariat and field operations in the Western Balkans, Central Asia, Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus are effective, efficient and focused in helping participating States meet their OSCE commitments. We also contribute to OSCE field operations’ programmatic activity through extra-budgetary and in-kind contributions.
Find out more about the OSCE´s work
Our people

Deputy Head of UK Delegation to the OSCE, Vienna
Contact us
United Kingdom Delegation to the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe
Jauresgasse 12
1030 Vienna
+(43) (1) 716130