About UK Mission to the European Union

10 Avenue d’Auderghem
1040 Brussels


+32 (0)2 287 8211

Opening hours

Monday to Friday, 9:30am to 1pm and 2:30pm to 6pm (CET)


The UK Mission to the EU is located on Avenue d’Auderghem in the heart of the European Quarter in Brussels. Our offices are ideally located within easy walking distance of the European Institutions.

Getting to UKMis Brussels

By public transport

The nearest Metro stop is Schuman, on underground line 1 (Erasmus-Stockel) and 5 (Gare de l’Ouest-Hermann-Debroux). Buses number 12 and 21 (to and from Brussels national airport), as well as 22, 36, 60, 79, 344 and 345 (De Lijn) and E (TEC) also stop near our building. You can find further information on the local transportation website.

By car, bicycle or taxi

Parking can be difficult to find around Schuman. An excellent alternative is to use the city bicycle hire scheme Villo!. There are several Villo! bicycle stations nearby. Alternatively, you can also come by taxi.

Disabled access

UKMis Brussels is committed to enabling disabled visitors to carry out their work in the European Union in an effective and professional way. UKMis Brussels is ready to provide support to disabled visitors. Support could include, but is not limited to, meeting disabled visitors at the airport or train-station, arranging transport, accompanying visitors to meetings or secretarial assistance with writing and distributing reports. Every individual’s needs will be different. In order to ensure that we can make arrangements to meet your requirements, please contact the UKMis Brussels Visits Team (tel: 00 32 2 287 8305) at least 48 hours before you travel.


All visitors will have to go through the security checkpoint at the entrance. Please co-operate with the security team as they conduct their checks which should only take a few minutes. The security measures in place are for the benefit of visitors and staff.

Public holidays 2025

Date Public holiday
Wednesday 1 January New Year’s Day
Friday 18 April Good Friday
Monday 21 April Easter Monday
Thursday 1 May Labour Day
Monday 5 May in lieu of Spring Bank Holiday
Thursday 29 May Ascension Day
Monday 9 June Whit Monday
Monday 21 July Belgian National Day
Friday 15 August Assumption Day
Monday 25 August Summer Bank Holiday
Tuesday 11 November Armistice Day
Wednesday 24 December in lieu of All Saints Day
Thursday 25 December Christmas Day
Friday 26 December Boxing Day