Your property boundaries

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Apply to record the exact boundary

You can apply to have the exact boundary between your property and your neighbour’s recorded. This is known as applying for a ‘determined boundary’.

You can only do this if your property is registered.

A determined boundary will still be valid if you or your neighbour sell your property.

Your application may be referred to a tribunal if your neighbour does not agree with it. Get legal advice before making an application.

Check your property’s title plan and register to see if it already has a determined boundary.

Apply for a determined boundary

You’ll need to send:

Evidence that supports your application

Send any evidence you have that justifies the surveyor’s boundary. This could include:

  • certified copies of the deeds to your property from before the property was registered
  • an expert’s report
  • a written statement signed in front of a solicitor, a magistrate or a commissioner of oaths

Send your application

The application costs £90. You’ll also need to pay the surveyor and the solicitor a fee.

If your neighbour agrees with your application, they’ll need to sign the form and the plan as well.

Send everything to:

HM Land Registry
Citizen Centre
PO Box 7806

If your application is successful, HM Land Registry (HMLR) will send you a copy of your updated title plan and register. They’ll also send your neighbour a copy of their updated title plan and register.

If your neighbour objects to your application

HMLR will decide whether the objection is valid. If it is, they’ll give you and your neighbour the chance to come to an agreement.

If you cannot, they’ll pass your application to a tribunal. You may need to pay for legal advice and advice from a surveyor if this happens.

If the tribunal approves your application

HMLR will send you a copy of your updated title plan and register. They’ll record the determined boundary in the register.

If the tribunal rejects your application

The tribunal will either decide where the exact boundary should be, or decide not to set the exact boundary.

You may need to pay your neighbour’s costs.