Animal and Plant Health Agency
Plant Health
- Contact APHA
- Vets: guidance, forms and services
- Animal disease test submissions and prices
- Commercial products and services
- Reporting notifiable disease in animals
- Plant health controls and reporting pests and diseases
- Bringing food into Great Britain
- Bringing your pet dog, cat or ferret to Great Britain
- Sign up to animal disease alerts
- Bluetongue
Farmers invited to take part in field trials of a cattle TB vaccine and a companion skin test
Press release
Work continues on a deployable cattle TB vaccine.

My journey in science
Blog post
Dr Jess Parry, our Epidemiology Workgroup Leader, reflects on her path from a curious young girl, passionate about biology to her current role as a scientist and leader at APHA.

Mandatory enhanced biosecurity will now be required and the housing order extended to cover York, North Yorkshire and Shropshire.

Seasonally vector low period for bluetongue begins
Press release
UK Chief Veterinary Officer announces we are now in the seasonally vector low period for bluetongue virus.

How to spot, report and prevent the spread of bluetongue, and information on current cases and movement restrictions.

Find out about the latest bird flu situation in England and guidance for bird keepers and the public.

Latest from the Animal and Plant Health Agency
What we do
We work to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy.
APHA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs, the Welsh Government, and The Scottish Government.
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- Check our previous releases to see if we’ve already answered your question.
- Make a new request by contacting us using the details below.
Freedom of Information (FOI), Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) and Subject Access requests
Animal and Plant Health Agency
Woodham Lane
New Haw
Surrey, KT15 3NB
United Kingdom
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