Marine Management Organisation
King scallop temporary closure decision
News story
Marine Management Organisation (MMO) has today announced its decision on a temporary closure to fishing with dredges for king scallops in ICES areas 7d and Lyme Bay (7e) in 2025.

Monthly UK sea fisheries statistics
Figures on the fishing industry are released every month, in addition to the annual sea fisheries statistics report

Quota Application Mechanism: Application for the allocation of English quota

Marine Mammal Reporting Requirements
This page details the requirements for the Marine Mammal Reporting licence condition which has been in all fishing vessel licences since 2021.

A public inquiry will be held to consider the application by the Port of London Authority for a harbour revision order.

This page is dedicated to live MMO surveys relating to Marine Planning and Marine Licensing services. Further information and links to live surveys can be found below.

Latest from Marine Management Organisation
What we do
The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) was created in 2009 by the Marine and Coastal Access Act.
MMO is an executive non-departmental public body, sponsored by the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.
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Newcastle upon Tyne
Tyne & Wear
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0300 123 1032
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Lancaster House, Hampshire Court,
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Tyne and Wear
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0300 123 1032
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