Apply online for student finance
If you normally live in England, you can apply online for student finance for 2025 to 2026 now.
You can apply for:
- Tuition Fee Loans
- Maintenance Loans
- Maintenance Grants (only if your course started before 1 August 2016)
You can apply up to 9 months after the start of the academic year for your course.
If you’re eligible for tuition fee-only funding, you must apply by post. You can use the form finder to find and download your form.
If you need help with a further education course at a college or training provider you may be able to apply for an Advanced Learner Loan instead.
The application process is different for students from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Check how to:
Other ways to apply
It’s best to apply online. If you cannot, you can apply by post. Use the form finder to download the application forms and guidance notes you’ll need.
If you need help using a computer
If you cannot use a computer without help but want to apply online, you can contact Student Finance England for help.
Problems logging in
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