Ask for a visa administrative review

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If you're in the UK

You’ll be told in your decision letter if you can ask for the decision on your application to be reviewed. This is known as an ‘administrative review’.

You can only apply for an administrative review if all of the following apply:

  • you’re in the UK
  • you applied in the UK
  • your application was refused or it was granted but you’re unhappy with the conditions of your permission to stay

You may be able to appeal against the immigration decision if you’re not eligible for an administrative review.

There’s a different way to ask for an administrative review if you applied:

Apply for an administrative review

You must apply for an administrative review within 14 days of getting the decision.

If you were detained on the day you got your decision, you must apply within 7 days.

You can apply online for an administrative review. It costs £80.

Contact UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) if you have a general enquiry about immigration.

Get a decision

Currently, it can take 12 months or more to receive the result of the administrative review. If you do not get a decision on your application within 6 months, the Home Office will contact you with an update. Your rights are not affected by the delay in processing applications.

You cannot request a second review (unless the first review found new reasons why the original refusal was correct). Your decision letter will tell you if you can apply for a second review.

If your visa has expired, you will not usually be removed from the UK until your review has been completed.

Withdraw your request

Your request for an administrative review will be withdrawn (cancelled) if you:

  • make any other immigration or visa application
  • ask for your passport back so you can travel
  • leave the UK

Your request will be rejected if you ask for a review of a previous decision after submitting a new application.

You can email the Home Office and ask for your request to be withdrawn. Your application fee will not be refunded.

You must include your name, date of birth, nationality and either your administrative review payment reference number or Home Office reference number in your email.