
You can appeal to the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) if the Home Office has decided to:

  • refuse your protection claim (also known as ‘asylum claim’ or ‘humanitarian protection’)
  • revoke your protection status
  • refuse your human rights claim
  • refuse you a residence document or deport you under the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2016
  • revoke your British citizenship
  • refuse or revoke your status, vary the length or condition of your stay, or deport you under the EU Settlement Scheme
  • refuse or revoke your travel permit or family permit under the EU Settlement Scheme or restrict your rights to enter or leave the UK under those permits
  • refuse or revoke your permit, or deport you if you’re a frontier worker
  • refuse or revoke your leave, or deport you if you’re an S2 healthcare visitor

The tribunal is independent of government. A judge will listen to both sides of the argument before making a decision.

If you do not have the right to appeal, you might be able to ask the Home Office for an administrative review.

If your frontier worker permit or S2 healthcare visitor visa application is unsuccessful, you can apply again for free if you have new evidence to submit.

How to appeal

How you appeal depends on whether you’re applying for yourself or if you’re a legal professional appealing on behalf of a client.

If you’re a solicitor or an immigration adviser

For most cases, you must appeal online using the MyHMCTS service. You’ll need to create an account first if you do not have one.

You must only appeal using a paper form if your client is in detention.

If you’re appealing for yourself without a solicitor or immigration adviser

Find out how to appeal from:

There’s a different way to appeal if you made your application before 6 April 2015.

Help you can get

You can get help and advice from a solicitor or an immigration adviser.

You can also contact Citizens Advice.

Read the guide on representing yourself if you’re not going to have a legal representative.

You may be able to get asylum support (such as housing and money) if you’ve been refused asylum.

Contact the tribunal if you have any questions about your appeal. The tribunal cannot give you legal advice.

First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) customer.service@justice.gov.uk
Telephone: 0300 123 1711
Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm
Find out about call charges