Ask for an urgent appeal

You can ask for your appeal to be heard urgently (‘expedited’) at any point during the appeal process.

It’s free to ask for an urgent appeal. You’ll need to have paid your appeal application fee (if you need to pay one) before your request will be reviewed.

How to ask for an urgent appeal

You or your legal representative will need to:

  • tell the tribunal the reason why your case should be heard urgently
  • give evidence of compelling or compassionate grounds, for example letters from a doctor or hospital

You should write ‘expedite requests’ at the top of any documents you send with your application.

A judge will review your evidence and decide whether your application should be heard sooner than usual.

If you’re a solicitor or an immigration adviser

You can apply:

If you’re not in detention and appealed for yourself online

You’ll need to sign in to the service where you made your appeal. Choose ‘ask for something else’ on the account homepage. You can upload your reasons and evidence using the form.

If you’re in detention or you appealed for yourself by post

Send your reasons for the urgent appeal and evidence to the tribunal by email or by post.

Expedite Requests - The First-tier Tribunal
Office of the Duty Judge
First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber)
PO Box 6987
Leicester LE1 6ZX

Check if your application has been received

Contact the tribunal to check if your application has been received.

Expedite Requests - The First-Tier Tribunal