
Attorney General’s civil panel counsel: practical information

Fees, expenses, contractual terms and administrative procedures for panel counsel, clerks and their chambers.


These new rates applicable to all groups mentioned below will apply to all work carried out from 1 April 2025.

The Attorney General commits to review existing KC and Panel rates every two years, with effect from 1 April 2027, to decide whether any further increase in rates is warranted.

If you have any questions about the new rates or panel counsel work, please email the Panel Counsel Team.

London panel counsel

  • London A panel - £150 per hour
  • London B panel - £125 per hour
  • London C panel - £100 per hour if over 5 years call. £75 per hour if under 5 years call.

The rate of pay rises if/when you are promoted from C panel to B panel, or from B to A. The change in rate is immediate.

Regional panel rates

  • Regional A Panel - £137.50 per hour
  • Regional B Panel - £112.50 per hour
  • Regional C Panel - £75 per hour

PIL panel rates

  • PIL A panel - £150 per hour
  • PIL B panel - £125 per hour
  • PIL C panel - £100 per hour if over 5 years call. £75 per hour if under 5 years call.

Off panel juniors and Junior Juniors (formerly “baby barristers”)

Off panel junior counsel are those junior counsel not on panel but are 2+ years post pupillage. To undertake panel work, including advocacy, a nomination must be sought from the Attorney. Off panel counsel are paid at the relevant Panel rates.

Junior Juniors are junior barristers who are within four years from end of pupillage and not panel members. This work does not include advocacy.  

  • Junior Juniors (2nd six pupils) - £31.25 per hour
  • Junior Juniors (3rd six pupils) - £56.25 per hour
  • Junior Juniors (tenants) - £56.25 per hour

Rates for KCs (silks)

Where a Panel member is appointed as King’s Counsel, they can continue to act in cases where they have already been instructed without a nomination for a period of 12 months from the date of their appointment as a KC. With effect from 1 April 2025, they will do so at the new Panel rates.

From 1 April 2025 there will now be 3 general hourly rates for KCs:

  • KC for fewer than 10 years on 1 April 2025 - £225
  • KC for 10 years or more on 1 April 2025 and on a current hourly rate of less than £200 - £245
  • KC for 10 years or more on 1 April 2025 and on a current hourly rate of between £200 to £269 - £270

Any KC reaching 10 years as a KC after 1 April 2025 will have their rate increased to £245 at the 10-year anniversary of their appointment. 

The only exception to the above rates will be for KCs whose current agreed general hourly rate is £270 or more, whose rates will not change.

Special Advocates rates (England, Wales & Northern Ireland)

Those with 10+ years of experience will receive London Panel A Rates.

Those with less than 10 years’ experience will receive London Panel B rates. On attaining 10 years of experience, they will receive London Panel A rates.

For KCs on the Special Advocate panel please see above under KCs

Fixed fees for permission hearings

From 1 April 2025 the fixed fee for permission hearings in immigration judicial review proceedings, irrespective of years of call, will be £437.50 + VAT.

The decision to pay a fixed fee rather than pay strictly according to the hourly rate reflects the ’swings and roundabouts’ nature of oral hearings in permission applications. The fee takes into account the average preparation time for a case in which there is usually an AOS (setting out the defendant’s arguments) and the fact that counsel for the defendant Secretary of State is not always called upon to speak. GLD will pay for cases which are withdrawn within 24 hours of the hearing as it is reasonable to expect you to have read into the case within that period and incur some charges.

On cases that are adjourned on the day, GLD will pay the standard fee for that first adjourned hearing and then pay half the full standard fee for any relisted hearing.

Clearly if the case is out of the ordinary, then GLD may be prepared to pay more, but this should be discussed with and agreed by the caseworker prior to any additional work being undertaken.

Fee notes for work done by panel counsel

Please submit your invoices in the form of monthly (or any discrete period) fee notes. They must include:

  • the GLD case reference (made up of 8 characters eg Z1234567 or LT89101K)
  • a clear differentiation between fees for legal work and other categories of fees and expenses
  • a reasonable description of the work done, broken down into date entries and the activities undertaken
  • the relevant hourly rate
  • the time spent
  • where payable, the time spent travelling and not working (paid at half the hourly rate)

Example Fee Note

Request an accessible format.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.

Request an accessible format.

Any fee note that does not contain a GLD case reference or contains an incorrect GLD case reference will be automatically rejected by our payment system. The case reference must be obtained from the relevant GLD case officer on initial instruction.

Please note that rolling fee notes, duplicate fee notes, ‘brief fees’ and ‘refreshers’ are not acceptable and will be automatically rejected when identified and you will be notified by email.  If any of the above fee notes manage to pass our checking process and are paid – it is due to human error by Box-It or the case holder and this should not be repeated.

Please also be aware that if GLD makes an overpayment of fees this must be returned. The amount in question cannot be used against other GLD cases because not only may the client be different but because it does not give us a clear audit trail in respect of our expenditure.

It is important that your fee notes do not contain additional information that could compromise our cases and reputation if the fee note were to go astray.

To comply with our sustainability policy and the Greener Litigation Pledge, fee notes must be submitted electronically in PDF format, to If you are sending more than one invoice or fee note, each one must be in a separate PDF file. Please do not send hard copies by post or DX.

Software to convert documents to PDF format is freely available for download from the internet but if your clerk would like some assistance, please contact

If you have submitted a fee note but have not been paid, please send an email to Please quote the GLD case reference in the subject line. One of the finance team will contact you to explain what is causing the delay in payment and when you can expect to be paid. Do not send a duplicate/reminder fee note to Box-It as it will be automatically rejected as a duplicate request.

There have been some instances recently where fee notes have been received many months, sometimes years after the work was done. In some cases, the departmental client has refused to pay. The budget for the matter in question has long since disappeared. Please be aware that if you do not submit fee notes promptly, ideally within three months, or actively pursue outstanding fee notes, there is a risk that they will not be paid.

Payment by BACS

BACS payments will save public money and arrive more quickly in the relevant bank account. Your clerk will receive confirmation of payment. If you have not been set up to be paid by BACS, please contact ## Travel, overnight accommodation and subsistence

You (or your clerks) should always discuss potential expenses with the case holder in advance, and before any expenditure is incurred, in light of the following:

  • Reasonable travel costs (time and expenses) may be paid if you are required to travel away from your normal geographical area of practice. This is usually determined by reference to the location of your chambers. Where this applies, travel claims are payable from your home address to the temporary place of work.
  • It follows from this that London Counsel will not be reimbursed for travel (time or expenses) within the M25. Regional Panel Counsel will not be reimbursed for travel (time or expenses) within their normal geographical area of practice, usually determined by reference to the metropolitan area where their chambers are located.
  • Travel time should be spent productively where possible. Where payable and where Counsel is not working on the relevant case (or any other case), travel time can be paid at one half of the appropriate hourly rate unless a daily rate to include travelling and waiting time has been negotiated with the case holder. Any travel time, and the half-hourly rate applied, should be clearly stated on the fee note.
  • When booking any sort of ticket you should avoid open ‘anytime’ or ‘fully flexible’ tickets. First class travel will only be reimbursed in special circumstances, for example, reasons of security (although Counsel must comply with security provisions at all times regardless of the class of travel).
  • Although not yet subject to mandatory reporting, carbon emissions resulting from Counsel travelling to court are part of GLD’s scope three emissions.You are therefore strongly encouraged to use sustainable means of travel (walking or cycling, or public transport such as trains and buses) rather than car or plane where possible. Use of train rather than car may also enable productive use of the journey time.
  • If an overnight stay is required, you should discuss accommodation arrangements with the case holder to ensure the relevant expenses incurred are reasonable (for example, in line with equivalent rates payable for accommodation for civil servants). In GLD, there is an £80 per night booking ceiling which should normally be regarded as a maximum.
  • GLD do not pay a daily subsistence rate and will not reimburse expenses for food or drink. However, GLD will consider reimbursement at a reasonable rate for evening meals when an overnight stay is necessary.
  • Fee notes issued that cover travel, overnight accommodation and subsistence should clearly differentiate between those categories and for the fees for legal work which are charged. Any different rates of VAT which apply for different categories should also be clearly stated.


GLD will not provide references in cases where counsel wish to be promoted in a commercial forum (ie Legal 500, Chambers & Partners). However, with chambers increasingly bidding for public sector contracts where references are required GLD are prepared to provide a factual reference about the work done.

It is appropriate for individual lawyers to provide references for panel counsel.

GLD will give references for KC appointments and judicial appointments.

It has been agreed with the KC Appointments Commission that, where you name a government lawyer as an assessor, so far as possible, the assessment will be considered by the relevant head of division (or equivalent) to whom the assessor reports. This is to ensure balance and consistency in the references provided by government lawyers.

The reference may in fact still be prepared by the government lawyer asked to be an assessor, in consultation with their colleagues and after consideration by the head of division, signed by that government lawyer.

Alternatively the assessment may actually be given by the head of division in consultation with their colleagues. You should therefore try to avoid naming more than one government lawyer in the same team or division as you may end up with a single reference rather than two.

Monitoring performance

GLD monitors the performance of Counsel. The Secretariat asks case holders to inform them of both exceptional performance or where there are issues to be addressed.

Most negative issues tend to involve delays in dealing with papers. If you are going to have problems doing something on time please inform the case holder as soon as possible.

Any feedback can be used to report in general terms to the Attorney General as part of the performance of members of the civil panels. Performance data can also be used for informing future selection boards and the Attorney General in considering applications for extensions of panel appointments and promotions.


Although appointment to any panel does not guarantee that work will be available, the intention is that counsel is given at least a minimum amount of work.

The volume of work counsel receive will be monitored alongside their performance. If you want more work either because you feel you are being overlooked or because a trial has collapsed and you are unexpectedly free then you should contact

Security of papers, email and data

GLD has its sustainability targets set by the government. This includes the UK’s commitment to achieve at least 68% emission reductions by 2030, and its legally binding obligation to achieve net zero by 2050. We would encourage and expect our counsel to support this target and consider and look to reduce their environmental impact.

Arrangements for collecting papers to go to GLD

Sending papers between GLD and chambers should be exceptional. Where this is unavoidable, papers must go by hand, DX or DHL. A Government car should be used only in the most exceptional cases. Please ensure that papers are clearly addressed. Please avoid placing papers relating to different cases in the same envelope or box.


Chambers should contact the case holder at GLD to book a DHL courier.

Safeguarding information

It is vital that panel counsel safeguard information entrusted to them.

Common security arrangements across civil litigating departments, the CPS and Whitehall prosecutors have been negotiated with the Bar Council. For further advice see the guidelines on information security and government work. The guidelines have been revised, with the agreement of the Bar Council, to reflect recent changes to the way that the government classifies its information.

Handling of protectively marked material guide for counsel (MS Word Document, 52 KB) explains how to handle information marked with the revised classifications. For guidance on documents marked using pre-April 2014 classifications please refer to the previous version of the guide, handling of protectively marked material guide for counsel (pre-April 2014 classifications) (PDF, 50.5 KB, 8 pages)

Further information on the new classification system.

Reporting loss of data and minimising consequential risks

Accidents happen and thefts occur. Where ‘Official’ material is lost the professional client, chambers and, where appropriate, the police must be informed as soon as possible. Outside working hours, contact the GLD duty officer on 07909 895922. If no response within 20 minutes please call the No 10 switchboard on 020 7321 0905.


The Criminal Justice Secure Mail System (CJSM) is a free, relatively secure email system that GLD are encouraging all London and regional panels to sign up to. Although originally set up for criminal work, it is now available for the Attorney General’s civil panels.

Those using CJSM may from time to time receive communications referring to use only for criminal matters, please ignore these. For more information on CJSM see the note for counsel CJSM secure email (PDF, 149 KB, 1 page) and the CJSM website.

Panel counsel must remember that encryption is very important and should read the encryption and erasure guidance for panel counsel (PDF, 152 KB, 3 pages).

Electronic storage of counsel’s opinions etc

GLD may store your opinions and other material on electronic systems to help in knowledge management. GLD appreciate the Bar’s concerns over the following matters:

  • breach of confidence
  • breach of implied undertakings
  • copyright
  • liability for negligence and insurance

A number of concerns fall away because the client is, in the majority of cases, part of that same indivisible body known as ’the Crown‘. If you have any concerns about any particular document then please contact


Chambers are increasingly bidding for the Public Sector contracts where references are required. In such circumstances GLD is prepared to provide factual reference about the work done.

Practical issues

Settlements in Court of Appeal

This guidance is particularly relevant to immigration work. The government is the Court of Appeal’s largest customer and consequently GLD are being asked to help the Civil Appeals Office ensure the best use of the Court of Appeal’s time. As part of this, efforts are being made to reduce the number of late settlements, particularly in the immigration cases that form such a large part of the Court’s work.

The important point to note is that for these purposes the Court of Appeal regards any case that settles within 3 weeks of the hearing date as a late settlement. This is the point at which the judges will often start reading the papers.

If a case settles within 3 weeks of the hearing date then both parties can expect a letter from the Civil Appeals Office asking for an explanation.

In order to assist in this, you should give the skeleton to GLD at least 7 weeks before the hearing date. This will give GLD the opportunity to finalise any settlement with the other side at least 3 weeks before the hearing.

Unless you advise that it is a case where the Secretary of State should concede you should produce the skeleton at the same time as you produce the initial advice.

Chambers’ complaints procedures

In many cases, given the nature of the Crown there will be no difference in legal personality between those instructing counsel and the rest of the departmental client. Therefore, there is no need for you to notify GLD of your chambers’ complaints procedure or other matters referred to in the Bar Standards Board guidance - provided the information can be found on the chambers’ website. As and when necessary GLD will pass details of those procedures to the relevant person.

The exception to this is where GLD are acting on behalf of, and you are representing, a private individual such as a prison officer or a soldier. In such cases you should send GLD whatever you would normally send to a client and GLD will forward it on.

New standard contractual terms

The new terms replaced the ‘Terms of work on which barristers offer their services to solicitors’ and the ‘Withdrawal of Credit Scheme 1988’. Neither of these documents have impinged much, if at all on panel work.

The new standard contractual terms apply for the purposes of “…the supply of legal services by barristers to authorised persons.” but the Treasury Solicitor and the solicitors to other public departments are not in fact “authorised persons” for the purposes of section 18(1)(a) of the Legal Services Act 2007. They stand in a special category position essentially untouched by the Act.

The relationship between the Treasury Solicitor and barristers will continue to be governed by the long standing arrangements relating to the Attorney General’s panel of counsel which have operated over a long period.

If you have any queries about the non applicability of the new standards terms please contact

Government transparency data

GLD publishes details of all payment transactions over £25,000.

The data published includes payments to counsel. As the policy currently stands only payments over £25,000 made in a single month in respect of a single case will be included. VAT registration numbers are not given.

Chambers’ meetings

GLD has a programme of meeting clerks from larger sets of chambers each year.

If you want to meet those in GLD responsible for managing your civil panels, irrespective of the size of chambers or the number of panel counsel in it, please contact

Extending appointments

A Panel member can apply to extend the five-year period of their Panel appointment in instances where Panel members are unable to undertake advocacy. Please be aware that retrospective extensions will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. If you wish to discuss the possibility of an extension prior to a period of absence then please contact the

Updates to this page

Published 1 November 2013
Last updated 21 February 2025 show all updates
  1. Information about Panel Counsel rates updated

  2. Practical information updated.

  3. 'Fee notes for work done by Panel Counsel' section has been updated. New information on carbon emissions and advice on using sustainable modes of travel has been added to 'Travel, overnight accommodation and subsistence' section.

  4. Information about extending appointments updated.

  5. Information about sustainability added.

  6. Address updated.

  7. Edited headings 'monitoring performances' and 'extending appointments'

  8. Paragraph added containing guidance pertaining to overpayment of fees.

  9. Clarification on QC Fees.

  10. Updated 'Handling of protectively marked material guide for counsel' to reflect GLD's move from Kemble Street to Petty France

  11. Regional panel rates updated

  12. Added updated document 'Handling of protectively marked material guide for counsel'.

  13. Update to fixed fees section.

  14. Update of 'Baby barristers' to 'Junior juniors'

  15. Address details updated

  16. Fee notes updated

  17. Clarification regarding hourly rate

  18. Contact information updated.

  19. 'Reporting loss of data and minimising consequential risks' section added.

  20. Update to panel counsel security guidance.

  21. Update to attachment.

  22. New guidelines on information security and government work.

  23. Latest information available.

  24. New guidelines on information security and government work now available.

  25. Includes information on the new classification system

  26. Draft version of the guidelines on information security and government work now available

  27. First published.

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